CARF kaufen - Vorteile ernten. 5% Rabatt! 10% Rabatt! Bevorzugte Behandlung bei individuellen und neuen Produkten!
Dei wichtigsten Werte fuer eine Marke sind die Zufriedenheit und die Loyaliltaet ihrer Kunden. Die Wahl ist gross, und wir fuehlen uns geehrt, dass CARF-Modelle so lange schon das Hobby unserer Kunden bereichern. Beim Bau in der ...
The Best company has been contracted to make an Indoor Version of our fantastic PAU Extra 330LX: Finest Composites in Germany. Made from FLEXI-Foam it is available in a stand alone kit version or as complete package with motor, esc and prop. It is now IN STOCK until depleted. Look up more info HERE!
Finally the light wight F-100 SuperSabre is ready to be ordered in either a competitively prices plain silver version, or two attractive paint schemes (Thunderbirds or Air National Guard Yellow). Flight tests and the first presentations to the public have been very promising and exciting. The flying characteristics are simply breathtaking and ...