The date for our CARF-Models Team Meeting has been set: August 5th, 6th, 7th 2022. Location: The Airfield of MFC Seefeld-Hochstadt close to Munich, Germany.
Most of our team pilots, even members from our USA team, will join us to present the entire range of our models. We invite our friends and customers to join us. Bring your planes, seek advice ...
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The half scale FlyBaby has been maidened and blown us away with its flying qualities. The scale wood and fabric structure has been so well molded into the surface, its almost unbelievable that it is an all composite airplane. It's is now in production and can be ordered. Get ready if you want a stress free, low adrenaline flying fun and still have ...
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Order your P-47 Thunderbolts now with enhanced details and fully painted and weathered. We have made new molds for both the Razorback and Bubbletop and can now provide these two marvels in never before achieved details in the surface. Still available as silver basic kit, but now we offer them also painted, weathered and either with aluminum effect ...
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