A4 Skyhawk Pneumatic Completion Pack

A4 Skyhawk Pneumatic Completion Pack

This pneumatic completion package is a valuable addendum to take a lot of headaches away from the builder of our A4.

The A4 Skyhawk has a very complex air system, lots of gear doors, speed brake doors and scale functions of the landing gear have to be actuated like the real one. So, not only 7 (seven!) electronic valves, but also 2 mechanical high flow valves (not yet shown on the photo) are included. 11 (eleven!) actuating cylinders for gear and speed brake doors as well.

High quality air tanks, air lines, Festo fittings, one way valves, quick disconnectors, all from the best sources, complement the set to a trouble free installation package.

Item Number: 780600

Price: 1,199.00 USD

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