General Information

The Skygate BAE Hawk. 3 times Jet World Champion in a row. Now available in CARF-Models’ refined production method, from overhauled plugs and in brand new molds. Simply the best and most successful scale model jet out there will from now on be produced by the company who brought the ARF Jet production and the Paint-In-The-Mold process to a serial standard. Besides the all time winning Museum Scale version we will make an ARF version available to the jet modelers, who want to build and fly this giant jet with fewer efforts.
The BAE Hawk is large. A huge challenge for a manufacturer to keep the airframe below a dry weight of 20 kg, in order to qualify for the Jet World Masters. CARF Models is looking at this challenge with confidence. CARF offers an in the mold white kit in the level of the former Skygate basic kit plus a lot of ARF work done. This is for the serious competitor, who wants to create his personal masterpiece. For competition or just to master the challenge of doing his best. In addition to the all-silver-version, CARF Models also offers ARF schemes painted in the molds.



Separation into a front and rear part allows easier shipping and transportation of the fuselage, if needed. The joint is nearly invisible.
Gear mounts are pre-installed as well as the gear doors are ready hinged. Cylinder mounts are glued into the right places, so that a functional gear and gear door operation can be accomplished in only very few assembly hours. The canopy frame is attached to the fuselage, a neat canopy release with a bowden cable is also pre-installed.


The air intakes are readily mounted. Not only are the inner liners glued into the detailed outer parts, they are equipped with pins and bolts for perfect fit. The BAE Hawk is not prepared for a full intake duct as the weight increase and the fuel tank placement difficulties would outweigh any possible advantages by far. But a carbon bypass for engines of the 160 - 200 size range is included.


The greatest value, however, is the installed stab and elevator servo mount. CNC-milled stab mounts, supported by 3D ball bearings, are ready to bolt the flying stab on. The servo mount will accept the two elevator servos.

Some, if not most of the characteristic scale details, such as APU outlet, air intakes and exits, are readily installed. This is even more valuable on a variant which is already painted in the mold, so that you don't have to cut the finished surfaces of the top fuselage to install the parts.

The vertical fin joiner and anti rotation pins are installed and allgined, the rear hatch is also readily mounted.

Please compare this wealth of work done for you with others, if you compare kit prices on the market.




The BAE Hawk has a challenging trailing link gear, which needs to be installed in awkward angles into the wing in order to fit the wheel wells and at the same time, extend to the correct angles in front and side view. Furthermore, the backwards facing angle of the trailing fork is different in retracted and extended position, so the strength of the spring is also very critical. We have contracted the former supplier „Airtech Germany“ to build the gear exclusively for CARF.


Additionally, we provide a complete pneumatic pack to operate gear and brakes.




They are almost as complex as the fuselage. Mainly, because the scale hinging of the flaps is already done for you. CNC-milled offset hinges are hidden under scale covers. All ball links and pins are installed and functional. The flaps itself have the little scale slat installed and the linkage is ready to be connected to the servo. The more complicated paint schemes are fully painted throughout the inner flap areas and slats, where in-the-mold painting process won't work, the job is completed outside the mold. Ailerons are hinged and the control horn and linkage are hidden under a scale fairing. Wherever possible, laminated fiberglass parts, if necessary painted in the correct scheme colors, replace cheap vaccuum formed ones.

Main Gear Mounts are installed and very carefully aligned. Solid carbon reinforcement make the mounts very rigid.

A slight individual alignment of the main gear is necessary and possible in the gear mount, in order to make things look and work right. Even the small outer strut door is already mounted and hinged for you. The main strut covers are fully laminated parts with detailed inner sides, to be bolted to the struts. And of course the scale strut covers are inlcuded in the kit, so that the main struts do not have to be made from all the solid alunimum chunks.
The wing halves join to the fuselage with a strong 40mm aluminum wing tube. 2 bolts are inserted through the gear doors and hold the wings invisibly on the fuselage.
The wings are fully functional right out of the box, only need to receive the servo and gear installation. Clear lenses for position lights are also included in the kit.



Stab and Fin

The flying stab of the BAE Hawk is a strong but light weight one piece design. Lots of carbon is used in the center area and the stab tips are kept very light. The stab, which has the control horns readily installed, mounts right on to the aluminum mounts. The blades, which cover the fuselage openings in the stab root area, are CNC milled fiberglass parts and can be glued on functionally with little effort. The vertical fin has the rudder installed in its scale hinged position and also the linkage is located at the scale position. The control horn length has been slightly increased for added safety and flutter resistance and the servo is installed in the fin for easy access from the root rib.




The BAE Hawk kit is as complete as a kit can be, and as prefabricated as possible. While at the times of Skygate not only additional building stages had to be purchased separately, also all the little accessories and scale details were items to be added to the kit with extra cost. CARF Models has opted for the take-it-all option, because anything else just doesn't make sense to us. The policy of adding on pricey extras just to keep the basic kit price below the competition is a practice which we think we don't have to apply. Much more, we want to clearly make a statement and say that you get from us the best we can do for you. Nothing less.




From a technical standpoint, there are a few components which are better to be purchased separately, as there is room for customization depending on engine choices or levels of cockpit and paint detailing. A readily built, extremely detailed cockpit can become a considerable investment. But, the worst is that different Hawks have different cockpits. So, for a perfect cockpit of the very plane you're attempting to build, you will need to perform a lot of customization work. CARF has decided to offer a hand built basic cockpit with main and side panels, seats, control sticks and some more details, which can be used for every scheme. Also included are the separation glass between rear and front seat with the framework.

CARF-Models thrust tubes are know to be very strong and durable but not the very lightest. We decided to go with the original manufacturer of the former Skygate BAE Hawk thrust tube, that's why we supply it separately.

A fuel tank (with hopper and all plumbing material) with the capacity of 5.4l is also available. However, if weight is a real issue, even our standard 4l fuel tank for Tutor, small BAE Hawk 1:5 and ViperJet will fit perfectly. So, for this very reason, the fuel tank is optional, too.

Literally hundreds of variations of decals and nomenclature stencils are available from our friend and partner Ralf Schneider (Taylormade Decals). CARF Models is much more interested in setting up a direct contact between you and Ralf, instead of trying to keep hundreds of decal sets in stock. The rub-on version have a short shelf life and there are many different versions such as water slides, CNC plotted, rub on dry transfer, all depending wether you go with the painted in the mold version, a self painted and clear coated version, or even a custom scheme. CARF Models will be able to provide any level of Decal sets and will be able to hook you up with Taylor Made Decals directly, what ever is your choice.




In addition to the all-white-version, CARF Models offers ARF schemes painted in the molds. With all respect, we have to admit that a painted-in-the-mold ARF airplane might not be winning a world championship. But it will be still a marvel on every model airfield when it gets out of the car or trailer.


Of course, as custom as it can get, we will be able to paint most of the full scale schemes ever made. Please feel free to work out with us what you have in mind, and let us prove what we can do for you. This is now the BAE Hawk for all of you, who don’t have the time to build, but still want to own and fly this large beauty, this legendary jet, at a reasonable and economical cost.



CARF Models brings the old Skygate BAE Hawk to a new level. Experience it!

Frank Westerholt (Jet World Champion) & his Saudi Scheme Bae Hawk 1:3.75

Bae Hawk 1:3.75 Display Scheme 2010 flown by Tim Wright at Jets over California 

Saudi Scheme Bae Hawk 1:3.75 by Frank Westerholt


    98" (2500 mm)


     124" (3150 mm)


    43 - 46 Lbs (19,5 - 21 kg) dry


    160 - 200 N


    8 high class digital servos

Insider Tip