P-51 Mustang Engine Installation KIT (Kolm230 3-Cylinder)

P-51 Mustang Engine Installation KIT (Kolm230 3-Cylinder)

If you order a Kolm IL 230 LE and say that it is for a CARF Galloping Ghost, everybody at Kolm (and at CARF of course) will know exactly how it has to look. It will come ex factory with the required mounts, standoffs, prop driver, carburettor venturies and all. But for the very kit there is also this installation kit available, which includes ducting, baffling, fuel tank mount and other small aprts to install this magnificent engine and operate it trouble free. 

We are constantly working on developing engine installation kits for other engines, too, such as the KOLM 150 3cyl, The DA-100 and other 2-cyl inline engines. Let us know which engine you want to install and we will work parallel to complete an installation set in due course...

Item Number: 420800

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