P-51 Mustang RENO Zimmermann Muffler (Kolm230 3-Cylinder)

P-51 Mustang RENO Zimmermann Muffler (Kolm230 3-Cylinder)

This stainless steelmuffler for Kolm 230 is specifically designed by us in cooperation with Zimmermann Schalldaempfer for our Racing Mustangs using a Kolm 230 3-cylinder engine. It perfects the sound of this magnificient engine by collecting the 3 cylinders into one chamber and exhausting the gasses through the rear of the 6 orginal exhaust port dummies on each side of the cowling.

Item Number: 420870

Price incl. 19% VAT (Germany):  464.06 EUR

VAT-Rates can change depending on delivery country

w/o Tax:  389.97 EUR

Tax (VAT/GST):  74.09 EUR

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