General Information

Since 1964 the "National Championship Air Races" have been called the "Worlds Fastest Motor Sport" and one of the last venues where this could be organized was the city Reno in Nevada, USA. Soon the event became known and "Reno Air Races". The most exciting class today is the "Unlimited" class, where heavily modified WW2 Figher Planes run for a trophy. Historic names like "Dago Red', "Miss America", Strega" "Voodoo", and "Galloping Ghost" have all one in common: They base on the P-51 Mustang, the greatest Fighter Plane of All Times!!!

CARF-Models' P-51 Mustang has been around for many years and has proven its sturdiness, reliability and performance. So it was a natural consequence that one day we would look into building a true Reno Racer based on our proven P-51 airframe.

NEW: P-51 VOODOO is now available in the same prefab level, painted in the molds!!!




Our first choice: Galloping Ghost! Unfortunately the real aircraft does not exist anynore, crashed during a gold race in Reno a few years ago, killing its pilot, and some spectators as well. But the myth lives on, more and more, year by year. However, we won't stop there. Dago Red, Miss America and Strega are soon to be introduced, based on the new CARF-Models Reno Mustang Airframe...

Gentlemen, lets have a RACE! The clipped wing and the fuselage with omitted radiator are the main modifications everybody can spot immediately. But the CARF Galloping Ghost and any future Mustang Racer, has some very special "invisbile" modifications over their basic P-51 Mustang:

- much more room under the cowl for big inline engines, as extreme as the KOLM IL-230 3-cyl four stroke engine.

- extreme prefabrication, all the way to the final installation of gear, RC-equipment and powerplant.

- re-engineered structure to withstand extreme G-forces and high wing loading at tight race track patterns 

- painted in the molds, including a master decal set of Tailormade Decals

- upgraded landing gear, engine installation kits and scale propeller round this breathtaking new CARF kit up


Composite Parts & Prefabrication

Produced in TAVS technology, 90% of the airplane's surface are made in superlight and stiff vacuum sandwich. This reduces airframe weight for two reasons: Firstly, to be able to clip the wings to make it faster - and secondly, to install BIGGER ENGINES to make it faster! 

A complete kit, painted in the molds....

...even including a high quality vinyl and digital print decal set!

The wing has readily hinged control surfaces with control horns

the clipped wings have composite tips and fairings

The cowl mount of the modified engine compartment is all done

rudder hinge posts and all control horns are installed

Canopy is cut out, flat black anti glare is painted

Super strong cowl mount with 4 bolts adds stiffness



Everything is ready for installation of RC components, linkages, wiring , engine, main gear, tail gear, battery packs, pmeumatics, there is simply no "building" to be done. It is all about equipment installation ONLY. See examples of installation in our prototype:

elevator linkage and servo installation

push pull rudder linkage

aileron linkage and servo installation

flap linkage 

aileron servo hatch

push pull rudder linkage

clever pneumatics installation

sturdy gear mount for heavy load

gear covers attached

tail gear and gear door mechanics

battery and servo compartment for balance

access to main switch through a cowl hatch



We tried to find out what is the biggest engine we could possibly install in our Galloping Ghost. We thought about the Kolm 155 3-cylinder inline. But wasn't there a chance to even fit its larger brother, the IL 230 in? We neede do modify the complete front end of our Mustang to make it fit. But we are so glad that we took on the effort. That engine now fits like a glove, a perfectly designed engine installation kit is available and the manual shows the critical areas of engine installation very well. Cooling air flow is totally thought through so you are not left with guess-work. The engine can swing a scale diameter four bladed prop at low RPMs... a sound which lets you get goose bumps.

The biggest possible monster engine fitted

A Kolm IL 230 3-cylinder four stroke engine

Cooling is critical. So, air will have to get out...

...if air gets in


Hardware & Accessories

Much more complete than before, the new CARF P-51 Mustang kit includes a full hardware package with a lot of additional helpful wood parts and lots of high quality hardware, such as linkages, clevises, ball links, bolts, nuts, servo screws, stab and wing mounting hardware. On top of the actual kit content, an array of accessories is available such as a scale landing gear, tail gear, scale wheels, spinner, full size propeller, and engine installation kits for the very demanding and most powerful multi cylinder inline engines on the market. 

Scale landing gear, taken from our proven P-51 Mustang 

Scale tail gear, taken from our proven P-51 Mustang

Scale 4-bladed propeller in scale size, and scale spinner

Engine installation kit for Kolm 230 (more choices are coming)


Flying Performance

A P-51 is always a great flyer. The light weight construction together with the aerodynamic design of airfoils makes the CARF Models P-51 a real joy to fly. However, a heavy loaded and clipped "Racing Mustang" you would think is much more challenging. But - the great aerodynamics of the P-51 pay off. The increased wing loading does only have little effect on the handling and the flight performance. Take offs and landings are easy, and the flying breathtaking. Go fast, turn left! Once you have got the feeling, you will not want to miss this experience anymore.


Unboxing the "Strega' with The Lighter Side of RC 

The boss Andreas Gietz flying the first ever electric powered P-51 Reno Mustang

Kolm230IL 3-Cylinder powered Galloping Ghost at Weston Park Model Show


    92" (2300 mm)


     89" (2270 mm)


    37 - 46 Lbs (17 - 21 kg) dry


    85 - 230 cc


    9 high class servos

Insider Tip