Eurosport ULTIMATE (Bronze Tiger)


What a mind blowing scheme that is...! It is bold, it is loud. It is just what that 3D jet needs. And it has history. The "Bronze Tiger" in full scale is no more. So it is on us modelers to keep this great piece of art alive. 

The metallic orange and the black are painted in the mold. The scratch marks with the tiger eyes are a high quality digital print from non other than Tailormade Decals, already  applied and sealed for you.

Please note: Various thrust tubes and fuel tank sets can be ordered from the accessory list, they are not included in the kit anymore! However, we also offer a comprehensive ARF-Plus Package, where all these accessories are not only included, but even installed for you. Add #210999 "ARF-Plus Package" to your quote request!


Used colors:

- Black #01

- Brown Gold #38

- Flat Grey mixture 1:1:1 : White #02 : Grey #03 : Matting Agent #36

- Hardener

Item Number: 213000


Price incl. 19% VAT (Germany):  3,272.50 EUR

VAT-Rates can change depending on delivery country

w/o Tax:  2,750.00 EUR

Tax (VAT/GST):  522.50 EUR

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