Sport Jet Medium Lighting SET (Unilight)

Sport Jet Medium Lighting SET (Unilight)

Professional basic lighting set for sport jets and models with thing wing geometriy like motor-glider or turbo-prop machines. The set consists of the 4-channel-controller, two landing lights for the gear legs, red beacon light and combined navigation-/strobe lights for the wings.

The set is suitable for models from 1.5-2m wingspan and operates directly from 2S LiPo (8V). All luminaires are directly ready for use and only need to be connected to the control module. The work for the modeller is limited to wiring. The set can of course be expanded with the components individually available.


Set includes:

  • controller 4-Channel SCALE (MODUL-B4)
  • combined navigation-/strobe lights for left wing (DUAL11-080x2-RTWE)
  • combined navigation-/strobe lights for right wing (DUAL11-080x2-GNWE)
  • beacon light for fuselage bottom (RND-080-RT)
  • 2x flat gear spotlight (2x SPOT20X-040-WE)
  • Lense for spotlights, 20mm (CAPS-L20)

Item Number: 960200

Price: 249.00 USD

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