SIAI Marchetti (Chequer Scheme)


We picked this scheme for our prototype, because it draws attention. A good thing for a prototype, debuted on a large Fly-In called “Joe Nall Week”.

The best of it all: It is a scale scheme! Slightly modified to make the chequers easier to produce and apply, the "Chequer Scheme" is still one great piece of art. It is highly visible in the air and does not distort the beautiful lines of the airplane.

Color swaps are possible. Contact your Sales Rep for all available options.


Used colors:

- Black #01

- White #02

- Yellow #06

- Hardener

Item Number: 101000


Price incl. 19% VAT (Germany):  4,248.30 EUR

VAT-Rates can change depending on delivery country

w/o Tax:  3,570.00 EUR

Tax (VAT/GST):  678.30 EUR

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