The CARF-Models Touch Up Paints are the exact same colors used in the painting process in the molds. They are formulated to be not 100% shiny and are not designed to stick very well to surfaces. This character is designed for our In-The-Mold Painting process. However, with proper cleaning (alcohol or lighter fuel) and slight sanding of the surface (scotchbrite or similar) no problems have to be expected. The CARF Touch Up Paint can be perfectly polished and blended into the original color on your model. Repair spots become virtually invisible.
Mixing ratio is Color 4:1 Hardener. With this mix the paint is fully resistant against gasoline/petrol, but might show signs of abrasion with methanol, nitro and synthetic oils. A higher hardener ratio can improve this noticeably. As a thinner any automotive thinner can be used, for small and quick fixes even Aceton will do. Use thinner to set the paint viscosity depending on your application device.
The CARF-Models Paints do not follow any national or international color code standards. They base on the pigment used. Our Touch Up Paints match our production paint tones 100%, however, shades can vary slightly due to the color the surface they are applied to. It is recommended to use white as a base over the repair area before applying the required color. On dark and opal colors a base coat of black can be useful.
Please note: You need Hardener #970012 to go with the paint.
Package contains app. 100ml (3.4 oz)
Item Number: 970035
Price: 20.00 USD
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