The Pre JetPower Deal is on now!!!
- 10% Discount on all jet kits in stock in our German Warehouse!!!
- only for airplanes IN STOCK at time of order
- cannot be combined with any other promotional pricing
- Deal starts Monday Aug. 20th 2018 and ends Monday Sept. 17th 2018
- please check back regularly for even better specials day by day ...
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Our new STREGA is ready!
Based on the design features of our Galloping Ghost, we have molded a completely new fuselage with the heavily modified radiator under the fuselage, wing fillets, a removable scale canopy frame, and now also with electric retracts , fitting the mounts perfectly. The cowling and engine bay of our STREGA is based on the ...
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Make Room for New Things! All Stock UltraFlashes for 1999 Euro (incl. VAT) only as long as Europe stock lasts!
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Expect the Unexpected...
CARF-Models and Pilot RC cooperated to create the best 2.3m Aerobatic Plane ever built!
The CARF-Models "Extra 330SC HYBRID"!
Extremely light built up wings and stabs merge with composite Total Area Vacuum Sandwich Fuselage. New features such as improved gear mount and engine dome blend in... and there comes ...
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Introductionary price 1999 USD/Euro with gear!
Sensational NEW Sport Jet - small, fast, slick, shiny - the best bang for your buck! Painted, includes electric retracts, installed, really almost Plug&Play. Servo package and Engine package available as accessory. Fits in your car (hatch back or station wagon) in one piece, flies like a big ...
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Congratulations to Moritz Gärtner for the impressive 3rd place at the Jet World Masters in Finland in the 13.5 kg class with his CARF-Models BAE Hawk! Moreover he received the trophy for the best Newcomer and the Youngest Contestant. Moritz is an exceptional talent and we wish that he'll continue to stun the jet community with his skills and ...
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The MEPHISTO is an innovative approach to a new aerobatic sport jet.
We took quite some time to engineer a high end sport jet with great classic aerobatic capabilities as well as unbeatable 3D performance, all in an impressive size without creating difficult transportation and storage issues.
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CARF Models has another great offer for you. Amazing discount, valid for one week only.
Check it out and benefit form this unique chance to get your hands on one right now.
Limited availability! Only valid as long as in stock in our warehouse in Germany. Offer cannot be combined with any other special or individual discount. Price ...
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Our DG-800S in Infinity Orange... This seam-free, orange, silver and asphalt grey beauty is available FROM STOCK besides the white based schemes at NO additional cost. Isn't that something? For more photos check HERE!
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A new color scheme for our SU-30 is available:
The Venezuelan Air Force 5th Anniversary scheme is a dream color scheme for this airplane. The kit features the typically long and pointed SU-30 fins, a nice grey camouflage and brillantly colorful vertical fins.
Check out more photos HERE!
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CARF-Models is proud to announce that Dreamworks Model Products has been appointed as the new distributor of CARF-Models in the USA. Our Sales Reps Andy Kane and Ray Labonte will closely work with Dreamworks to continue to provide their best service to all US customers.
We are currently planning a container to replenish stock and ship some custom ...
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Dear Customers,
If you are looking for a realy special Color Scheme, we have some single piece Custom Schemes for sale - directly available from our factory stock!
Please contact your Rep, Dealer or if you are interested or have any questions.
Extra 330SC 3.1m "Blue Flag Racing Scheme"
Ultra ...
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Last weekend our Team-Pilot Alexander Raff won the last F3A-X competition and thus the overall Unlimited class in 2016 with his 3m CARF SU-31.
Congratulation to this success!
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We have good News for you! Our F-100 Super Sabre made it's maiden on sunday!
If you want to see more and the wonderful color scheme we chose, visit us at JetPower 2016
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Today our brand new B-2 "Spirit" made it's maiden flight!
4.35m and 2x100 N thrust will make this bird fly.
Further information will follow soon.
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The Sukhoi SU-27 UB / SU-30 instructionmanual is now available for download!
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Ladies and Gentlemen, we proudly present our Picture Of The Year!! Seba Rubio won the photocontest with his picture from June 2015 and 35,11% of the votes. Congratulation!
He wrote to his victory:
"I always loved aerobatic flight, but it was just before joining IMAC that I started to look for perfection on my flights.
When I bought my CARF ...
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This 3.3m Yak represents a new scheme based on the popular military " Rat Schemes " appearing on the market. The plane is the first of its kind and will be in a container to Europe soon. It is available for sale and will be listed on our website shortly. Needless to say that instead of incorporating a Russian Star in a "Russion Rat ...
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33 participants have successfully participated in the rookie meeting 2016 and may now officially call themselves "Jet-Pilot".
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CARF-Models Ltd. is against an altitude limit of 100 meters !
Sign now the online petition and secure the future of RC-flight in Germany !
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