Now we offer Deposit Vouchers for all Rebel Variants. Please go to the Rebel product page and see the vouchers. These put you in qeue for a production slot. They are non binding and you can ask for a refund at any time with no questions asked, if you change your mind during the waiting time for your slot. Order your Rebel HOT, Rebel 2m, Rebel ...
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The CARF-Models AT-6 has flown. It has proven to be a perfect warbird, so that serial production is finally released. Get you order in for a spot on the list, which is growing by the day. See available accessories, as the list gets completed within the coming weeks... Go to the product page HERE!
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An all new color scheme for our Eurosport Ultimate is available. Colorful, highly visible and speaking out loud how 3D Jet Flying is done right. See Markus Rummer torque roll it all the way to the ground .
Or watch his maiden flight HERE!
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