The Bowers FlyBaby is a Homebuilt Sport Plane from the '60s. It has been built after a set of plans in many different variants by aviators around the world. One of the latest builders of a FlyBaby is Jim Katz from the USA, who has created one of the nicest ones ever built. This has triggered the idea to build a FlyBaby as a large scale model.



Most of such wooden airplanes are built up and covered with iron-on film. Either they are made in questionable quality in ARF factories or individually built from plans. However, not many modelrs are actually 'building' anymore today. So the ARF factories are the only options. Wrinkles, bad glue joints, oil soaked wood frames and iron-on covering coming off over time - who doesn't know these problems.

CARF-Models set out to change this completely. Would it be possible to build an all composite 'wooden airframe' in the molds? Imitated wings made from ribs and spars, covered with fabric, stitched on the ribs? Painted in the molds, with a hard, sturdy and clean surface, easy to maintain  as new? 

Well, it is. Here is the proof. The half scale CARF-Models FlyBaby!


The CARF-Models FlyBaby has a wingspan of 4.2m (165") and a weight of 24-28 kg, depending on the engine. With a 150-180 cc 2 cylinder four stroke engine it can be built safely below 25 kg, and if this european weight limit isn't a problem, there are endless possibilities how it can be scaled up and detailed out. 

Every component, wings, fuselage, stab and fin are all composite sandwich parts. In the tail area they are ULTRA LIGHT, in the front strong to hold heavy and powerful engines. All parts have scale fabric surface structure with visible stitching onto the ribs. Even the inside of th fuselage in the cockpit area imitates a wooden struture. 


The wings and stabs are connected with self sufficient carbon tubes, needing no full load bearing flying wires. The flying wires are only flexible dummies for scale appearance. Setting up and breaking down at the field is a matter of minutes.



The landing gear is a strong carbon gear with stainless steel axles. Two variants of wheels (foam and air tube) are availalbe, as well as a fantastic, strong, scale tail gear with 60 mm wheel.


The plane is controlled with 5 high torque servos. No fuss, no fancy. Simple, straight forward, everything is prepared for easy installation. 

For the various engines we offer various motor domes, which are mounted to the fuselage with 10 - 12 bolts. All engine electronics as well as the throttle and choke servos find place inside this motor dome. Fuel tank and fuel pumps as well. Very easy maintenane is guaranteed. 

The two-part cowling is split like the original. It can be removed eaesily without taking off propeller or silencers. 


The inside of the fuselage has an imitation wood structure like the original, a wooden pilot seat, an instrument panel and a stick! 

Optionally we provide a 1/2 scale full body pilot, which we produce in cooperation with the Best: Tailored Pilots from the UK. We also are working on an animated version of that pilot, turning head and waving right or left to the crowd during low and slow fly bys. A long, waving scarf of course is mandatory.

Transportation is easy due to removable wings, stab, rudder, fin and even the firewall with engine and cowling is removed within minutes. 



We offer the FlyBaby as ARF kit or PNP with or without installed engine. Check back with us to learn about engine options (2 and 4 Cylinder, 2 and 4 Stroke). Our prototype has a Kolm 240 B4 installed. The 2nd plane, the first serial production unit, will have a VALACH 210 2 cylinder boxer. 2-stroke engines of 150 cc are of course also possible, but will require additional weight in the cowling to make up for the CG.

Your FlyBaby is now waiting for your order.

Deliveries towards the 4th quarter of 2022 are still realistically possible.


First Demo Presentation of the Fly Baby at Joe Nall

Max Chrubasik flying the Art Scholl Fly Baby at the Klong 11 RC Club


 Well, there is only one FlyBaby to talk about, currently. So I would like to give you my honest first impression of the prototype's flying characteristics. 

In general it is exactly what I expected it to be. A smooth, easy to fly classic sport plane. There are a lot of those classic sport planes to compare to. Piper J-3, Spacewalker, Husky, Bellanca Decathlon... but the FlyBaby has something special. There are not so many around and it has a beatiful style.

The low wing loading, the type of airfoil, the large stabilizer surfaces make it so easy to fly. With a good Gyro, such as a Cortex Pro or one of the latest iGyros, even windy weather is no problem. It takes off and lands so slowly, you merely have to stear it. It just feels like it's flying by itself. 

This airplane lets you enjoy model flying without stress and adrenaline. You just want to fly it around, high, low, fast, slow, make touch and gos, slow flybys... And inbetween the slow stuff, you throttle up for a few rolls and loops, just to slow down again and crawl along the runway. And just enjoy!

                                                                                                Andreas Gietz

    165" (4200 mm) - single half wing 77" (1960 mm) 


     106.5" (2700 mm) - without rudder 96.5" (2450 mm)


    54-60 Lbs (24 - 27 kg) 


    150-180 cc 2stroke boxer, 170-240 cc 4stroke boxer



    standard size, 5 high torque servos, 2 regular servos



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