MIG-17 Electric Scale Retract SET (Electron)

MIG-17 Electric Scale Retract SET (Electron)

This retract set (photos will be published soon) is designed by CARF-Models and produced in Germany by one of our long time partners in the business. A fantastic set of custom scale struts and wheels are attached to the most reliable retract units on the market: ELECTRON ER-50. The wheels boast the large Electron e-brakes and a GS-200 controller is included in the set, too.

Note: The MiG-17 landing gear has been upgraded during summer 2022 to exclusively using the ER50 NG. This will improve the reliability retracting the gear at higher speeds. Even though the regular ER-50 work fine if speed is controlled after takeoff and during retraction cycle, from here onwards we only offer the NG version of the gear!

Item Number: 230500

Price: 3,590.00 USD

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