General Information

Form Follows Function! The CARF-Models Mephisto is an innovative approach to a new aerobatic sport jet. Great classic aerobatic capabilities had to be combined with unbeatable 3D performance. That diabolic challenge had been accomplished when we introduced the first Mephisto to the jet modelling world. But after working for two flying seasons with the best pilots out there, we incorporated everything we learned into a new version of this best ever sport jet. Mephisto V2!



So what's different between V1 and V2? What has been improved? That's what everybody is curious about. And her we lift th secrets:



The fuselage has been the most innovative component of the Mephisto from day one. It's a 3-part design, where the front part is split along the center and the top half is a completely removable hatch. However, for considerable weight savings we have omitted the nose gear doors, increased the openings in the front fuselage as much as we could, changed the mounting method of the rear fuslage at the bottom side for much more strength, incorporated a new fuel tank mount for a single fuel tank and changed the rear end so that the new, much more powerful vector thrust tube would fit without any modifications.




The vector thrust tube and the fuel tank are still to be purchased separately, as they provide various options, for example the older pair of large fuel tanks can still be mounted, or a non-vector tube can be chosen.


Flying and Control Surfaces

For CARF it was mandatory for this new large Sport Jet to have a 3-piece wing. How easy would transportation and field assembly be, if the center wing, containing all landing gear, could be permantently remain on the front fuselage, creating one easy-to-transport unit with gear retracted or extended. it would fit in any small station wagon and handle so easily. The challenge comes with the flaps, as they would have to be too far outwards or two part surfaces per side. Not so with the Mephisto, which has a completely removable flap, interlocking with the servo control arm and a solid outer bearing. When sliding the outer wing on to the carbon wing tube studs, simply the huge one-piece flaps get integrated and automatcially hooked up on both sides. That all has not changed. 

But what has changed is the size of the ailerons, which got 20 mm deeper. Not necessarily for more slow speed authority, but for higher roll rates for all these rifle rolls you seem to love, without having to utilize the taileron function at high speeds. 

The center wing skin got removed wherever not visible. That not only saves weight, but also creates a space for soft bag tanks if someone would like to save still more weight, as these would even eliminate any header tank.

The main gear doors got also eliminated, reducing complexity and saving quite some more weight. The aileron servos mount in the wing rib and not on the hatch, to make sure the servo torque at high speeds and high roll rates is not going to crack the servo off the hatch.




The tail feathers had been upgrades even during the life cycle of the V1 Mephisto and V2 still boasts the fully balanced tailerons, highly reinforced stab tube, a set of turbulators at the leading edge at root, and the full trailing edge of the flying stab. Eliminating ANY remaining risk of flutter even at highest speeds, and generating some very nice whistling sound, which has become characteristic for the Mephisto. The fin and rudder might be the only parts without an upgrade...



Propulsion & Fuel System

Most pilots have equipped the Mephisto with the new KingTech 320 turbine. This engine has blown us all away, literally, with its power and reliability. The slightly higher weight might just be the reason for its performance and reliability and is more than enough reason to do all the little changes in the Mephisto V2 to reduce weight wherever it's possible. The big engine is still flown at pretty low power settings throughout the flight, except for the power consuming 3D hover serquences, but overall a 5 liter fuel tank has proven to be sufficient. A set of soft bag tanks will be offered very soon, bespoke made for our Mephisto V2, eliminating even the 300+ gram of a header tank. However, the previous dual fuel tank with 6 Liter or even 7.2 Liter capacity can be still used, the mounts herefore are not glued in anymore, but included in the kit. 

The Vector thrust tube has been upgraded. The vector is now mounted to the rear former in the fuselage, which eliminates any trim change due to heat extension by variable temperatures. The vector diameter is larger than the thrust tube diameter, reduing the thrust loss of the vector to almost zero, as there is no restriction at all when not deflected.  The thrust tube itself is designed to last the high thrust of the big block engines with a spiral reinforcement over the whole length. We moved away from the bell mouth and designed an aerodynamically well working intake lip instead, which creates more laminar airflow in the thrust tube making it run much cooler. That also is important since for weight saving reasons it is only a single layer tube. (Please note: Both, fuel tank and vector tube, are not included in the kit but must be purchased extra)



Landing Gear

The retract setup is quite unique, because all 3 gear legs retract forward. The very special feature is that the gear, when retracted, still has 1/3rd of the wheel exposed and the front fuselage / center wing assembly is sitting on its wheels even with the gear retracted. This makes not only the handling, storage and transportation of this main component so easy, it also allows to land with retracted landing gear (e.g. due to a malfuction) without putting a scratch to the plane. Who knows what it could be good for when flying in 3D-mode low to the ground... The Mephisto's electric retracts are built by ELECTRON especially for this airplane and come with the popular GS-200 controller. The V2 still utilized this very gear and nothing has changed, except that the gear doors have been eliminated!

Due to the fact that the plane can broken in so many small pieces and all can be protected with a wonderful set of REVOC protection bags (available as accessory) it will fit even into a small station wagon, together with transmitter case, tool box and a big can of fuel...



Flight Characteristics

Only the pilot is the limit of what the Mephisto can do. Fast and precise aerobatics are as possible as slow 3D stuff. A few "gimmicks" such as a T-cannelizer borrowed from the serious F3A pattern ships, as well as long horizontal straks in front of the stab, make the plane track in any attitude, upright, inverted or in knife edge, slow and fast, like never seen before. The 3D vector tube allows all kind of harriers, hovers, show rolls, waterfalls, what until now only could be performed with light weight aerobatic planes or with especially designed 3D Delta Jets - the Mephisto features the best from both worlds. Pattern precision and 3D extreme. So many World Class Pilots have put their hands on one and every single one had nothing but compliments about what an extraordinary flying machine that Mephisto really is...

A plane like no other. The diabolic CARF-Models Mephisto V2!





Mike McConville & Raymond Labonte unboxing a new Mephisto V2 Cayman

Alexander Raff doing Alex Raff Things with his Mephisto V2 in the Alex Raff Scheme...

One of the very first produced Mephistos flown by Max Chrubasik 

    106" (2620 mm)


     123" (3100 mm)


    39 Lbs (18 kg) dry


    220 - 300 N


    10 high torque digital servos

This is a preliminary Instruction Manual V1.3 with the most important infromation to build and set up our Mephisto. It will be sufficient for the time being to support your equipment installation and to help set up the plane for the first flights.

A Photo Sheet will be published here as soon as a few more Mephistos have been built and set up.


The all new V2 thrust vector tube is availalbe now and shipped for every Mephisto, if ordered. Here is the manual for this new V2 vector thrust tube. It is very important to read and follow!



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